Spring 2025

02/23/2025 02:00 PM - 07/13/2025 08:00 PM PT



Register today for Red Eagle Soaring's Spring Theatre & Film Project! 


Red Eagle Soaring's annual Spring Project begins a little earlier this year: on February 23rd! This year we've added a twist: We're teaming up with Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) for our first-ever hybrid Film and Theatre program!!  We will meet for weekly rehearsals over the course of 12 weeks, open the show on the 13th week, then take the production on tour around the greater Seattle area starting in May through July - and we're going to document the whole thing!! With the help of SIFF and RES mentors, youth will be creating a documentary about our theater process, giving them the chance to chose their experience: behind the camera, on the stage, or both! All RES programming is free and open to any Indigenous Youth ages 10-19!


Rehearsals will begin February 23rd, and run through May 11th.

We'll meet every Sunday from 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Opening performances on Saturday, May 17th & Sunday, May 18th!

Rehearsals and opening weekend will be held at the Red Eagle Soaring Space in the King Street Station:

303 S Jackson St. Seattle, WA 98014. 2nd floor.


After opening the show, we're taking the production on tour!


Current tour dates:

May 25th (TBD) Collaborative showcase with Station Space partners at Northwest Folklife Festival, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

June 7th : First show at ACT Theatre, 7:00pm

  • (TBD) Possible Double feature day! Indigenous People Festival at Seattle Center

June 8th: Second performance at ACT, 2:00pm

June 21st: (TBD) Carnation Block Party

July 7th or 8th: (TBD) Will confirm exact date with Island Shakespeare Festival on Whidbey Island

July 12th & 13th: (TBD) We’ve been asked to perform at The Seattle Outdoor Theatre Festival on either Saturday or Sunday, but might just do both!

* Dates marked TBD are not yet confirmed, but are being held as likely and should be added to your calendars *


That's all for now! Please reach out to nicole@redeaglesoaring.org with any questions.

